What is an orca?

Orcas powerful beatiful and graceful. But can be deadly killers. Orcas of coure are not man-eaters. They manly eat: fish, sqwid, and sometimes seals. There streamline bodys helps them glide through the water. With a dorsal fin to keep in a strait line, pectral fin to steer with, and tail flukes to propel them through the water without working to hard. Reaching speeds up to 70 miles per hour or faster. The orca  is perfectly suited to it's ocean home. People used to call orcas fish and some people call them that  today. Orcas are not fish. They are mammals witch means they have a tiny bit of hair, breath though a nose on the top of there head called a blowhole, They give birth to live young (some marine parks some have sucssefully  had orca and dolphin calfs born) And feed them warm rich milk.
Myth #1: Orcas where thought to be fish.
Myth # 2: Orcas where thought be mean killers of the deep like sharks. But sharks are not mean killers if you respect them!
